What is the life experience that turns your world upside down, changes you as a person, pushes your boundaries, makes you question everything you do, and is the single best but definitely the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
If you answered ‘Motherhood’, bingo! It’s awesome but gosh isn’t it tough?!
This is why Mummy Social believes us mums need each other. We can help each other, learn from each other, grow in confidence together and just have more fun when we do it together!

Mummy Social is dedicated to providing a diverse and inclusive community where we can reach out to other mums to seek help and advice. A community where you will feel supported and where no mum feels alone, ever!
As a mum we are all on a similar parenting journey, each having its own individual challenges along the way. This means that we are all experienced in different aspects of parenthood. By sharing your experiences with others in this community, you can help build confidence in other mums who may be doubting their abilities. You may just end up being the lifeline that someone needs. In addition to this, you can also seek this support from others as and when you need it.
Mummy Social is keen to encourage mums to get chatting to other mums and ultimately get social in real life. Daunting we know, but seriously it’s worth it! The app enables you to create and attend socials in your local area or meet up on a one-to-one basis. We know this can feel awkward at first, meeting a stranger or a group of strangers, but our advice is that we all have one vital thing in common, we are all mums!

Each member of the Mummy Social Team is a mum, so we know how tired and exhausted you may be feeling, how nervous or anxious you may be about actually meeting other mums, after all, you are putting yourself out there! Please remember though, we have all have wiped bums, caught sick with our bare hands, been intensely watched whilst peeing and had to deal with tantrums in the middle of a crowded place. We get you! We understand! This, however, is something that can bring us together, unite us as a community that supports one another, so get involved! For yourself, and for other mums.
Our recent #letstalklonely campaign was started to normalise how lonely being a mum can be, in one way or another. We’ve also used this opportunity to speak to four mums all facing their own parenting challenges. Perhaps they’ll inspire you to reach out to another mum. After all, you never know who could do with that chat over a cuppa!
Kate became a mum to six children under eight! Kate has talked to Mummy Social about how she copes with six children and how she gets through all that washing! Click to read.
Emma is mum to Teddy who was diagnosed with cancer when he was just 16 months old. Emma tells us about their experience so far and what the support of others has meant to her. Click to read.
Jackie is mum to three boys, two of which have special educational needs. She’s gained so much from Mummy Social and wants to encourage others to do the same! Click to read.
We also spoke to mum Charlotte and asked her some questions about being an adoptive mum. Click to read.
Go get social ladies!
Love the Mummy Social Team xx